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Latest Updates

Survival Coalition of more than 20 disability organizations continues to hear from people with disabilities, their families, and their supporters that the pandemic has taken a disproportionate toll, starkly accelerating the direct care worker crisis and leading to increased health and safety worries, more families leaving the workforce to care for loved ones, and high levels of stress. Survival surveyed people with disabilities who use home and community supports, along with their families. The results and stories in the attached report are worrisome and deserve immediate action in the state budget. View the survey results here.

Calling your legislator to advocate? Watch "It's Not Too Late To Advocate" video and get the tips you need.

In this video, Tyler Clark, staff for Joint Finance Committee Co-Chair Mark Born, discusses why (and how) direct care stakeholders should reach out to their lawmakers about the state budget! It is critical that direct care workforce stakeholders contact their state legislators TODAY to ask for their support of the caregiving items in the budget. The Joint Finance Committee officially starts voting on the budget bill May 6!


The Wisconsin Personal Services Association and the Wisconsin Long Term Care Workforce Alliance have prepared a toolkit that includes sample email text to help you reach out to your lawmaker. Download the template here

The last public hearing on the state budget was held today, but there are still lots of opportunities to advocate for the direct care workforce! In today's Workforce Wednesday video, we hear from Erin Fabrizius from the Wisconsin Personal Services Association about what's included in the Governor's proposed $600 million investment in caregiving. Erin also talks about how these items might change as they move through the full state budget process and what you can do to make sure they get signed into law! 

Alert Your Legislator About The Long-Term Care Workforce Crisis Today! 

Thank you for supporting efforts to strengthen Wisconsin's direct care workforce! You can help spread the word about the workforce crisis by sending a personalized Legislator Alert Message to your local legislator.  


You will join other allies - we are direct care workers, people receiving support, families, provider agencies and community members. While the message is the same for all of us, we each experience it differently. We want to make sure the Wisconsin Legislature hears from people all over the state. 


How to use the Legislator Alert Message form:


The Legislator Alert Message form is an easy way for you to share your story with your local legislator. You can download the fillable form, complete your personal message, and save the completed form. Then you can send your message to your legislator as an email attachment. Or you can print your message, and mail it in a regular envelope to your legislator. Need an example? Download this sample


How to find your Legislator: 

Go the the Wisconsin State Legislature website and enter your address under "Who Are My Legislators." 



Thank you for your support! Let's work together to let our Legislators know about the Workforce Crisis! 

10 Tips for Giving a Public Testimony

  • Gather relevant logistical information in advance.

    • Do you need to sign up to testify? Is there a time limit? If you want to be one of the first to testify, which is often when media is present. 

  • Keep it brief.

    • Prepare your testimony in advance. You often have only two or three minutes to speak. Make your point quickly and move on to others. Rehearse and time your speech beforehand.

  • Bring expertise or experience.

    • The most credible and persuasive speakers on long term care workforce policy are those who bring their personal stories and expertise. Workers, guardians, and consumers are some of the best presenters.

  • Stick to two or three points.

    • Organize your testimony ahead of time with other speakers, if applicable, so together you can cover all relevant issues.

  • Pay attention to other speakers.

    • Avoid repetition of earlier comments, and if possible, rebut earlier comments.

  • Use catchy metaphors, phrases, and soundbites.

    • Elected officials remember them and the press quotes them.

  • Be prepared to answer questions.

    • If you receive a question for which you don’t know an answer, tell them that you will follow-up with their office with the appropriate information.

  • Do not read your testimony.

    • Summarize your points on notecards.

  • Provide written copies.

    • Bring enough copies for committee members and the press.

  • Maintain eye contact with elected officials while testifying.

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Accessing the Media 

The media is a great resource to help spread your message far and wide! Click on the links below for tips on writing a press release, submitting a letter to an editor and so much more! 


How to Submit a Letter to the Editor

How to Submit an Op-Ed

Writing a Press Advisory

Writing a Press Release


© 2023 by The Wisconsin Long-Term Care Workforce Alliance 

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